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Circle Island Helicopter Air Tour by Novictor (Doors-On & Doors-Off Flights) FAQ
How should I dress for my flight?
The temperature aboard the helicopter is very comfortable during flights—t-shirts and shorts are just fine. However, if you choose a doors-off tour, your flight will be windy and cold so jackets and sweatshirts are required and long pants are recommended. Please note that hats are not allowed on board your flight. Your hat might blow off your head and fly up into the rotors and that is very unsafe. You may leave any hats in the office during our flight.
What is the difference between doors on and doors off flights?
Doors-on tours are more comfortable and you can easily hear music and narration. You’ll enjoy window seating with unobstructed views from the top of your head to your waist. Doors off helicopter tours are available by request and are a little more exciting. Please note that they are windy and colder so you will have to wear warmer clothes. Doors-off tours also provide a better photographic experience as you will enjoy unobstructed floor-to-ceiling views.
How experienced are the pilots?
Novictor Aviation employs some of the most skilled pilots in the state and hold them to the highest standards. Pilots are very experienced in their knowledge of Hawaiian skies, climates, and terrain. Their abilities will put you at ease as you fly over the beaches, mountains, and sights of the Islands.
Are young children allowed on flights?
Yes, children 24 months and under do well on flights. We even have baby headsets for them to wear. Please be aware that FAA regulations require a full-fare seat for children 24 months and over. Children 24 months and under are welcome to sit on the lap of a responsible adult at no charge.
General >Activities
Where can I find the local contact information for the activity provider?
Complete contact information for your local activity provider will be displayed on your voucher, electronically issued once your booking is confirmed.
How can I find out if there are pick-up services available from the hotel where I will be planning to stay?
Pick-up and drop-off services are usually provided from major hotels within the destination city. However, pick-up schedules vary. If pick-up from your specific hotel is not included, your activity provider will select a location nearest your hotel. You can also send us an inquiry through Your Account page.
Where should I wait for my pick-up?
If your pick-up service is included in your booking, your pick-up location will be displayed on your voucher.
What time will the tour end? What time will I return to my hotel?
Full schedule details can be found on the activity page. Please note that all schedules are subject to change and may be affected by traffic conditions, weather, and other operational reasons. We always recommend allowing some extra time for unforeseen delays.

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